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QHHT Session

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       If you will be traveling alone, longer than a couple of hours, I recommend that you arrive the day before and settle into a hotel room and then leave the day after your session. You will want to be relaxed and calm for your session. AFTER YOUR SESSION you will most certainly appreciate some quite reflection time and an early night free from any social events or work. Consider that when making your plans to come.


        When you come, I will need your list of questions. Your questions for the Higher Consciousness are a VERY IMPORTANT PART of your QHHT session. I find that 10 questions or less work best because for each question you bring, I will ask many more questions to get to the bottom of any issues or concerns so you will understand their origin. It's often this understanding that triggers the release and allows the Higher Consciousness/Higher Self to help you heal. It’s never too early to start working on your list and don’t be surprised if answers come before you arrive, or your questions change and morph some after you create your initial list. If you have more than 10 questions, just bring them and we can talk about them beforehand but put the most pressing questions at the beginning of the list.


        You can ask about anything at all. I find questions generally come under the following basic headings: Health, Relationships, Career/Purpose, Finances/Abundance, Spiritual/Self, Odd or Synchronistic Events.


        Trusting in your Higher Consciousness to bring you exactly what you need to receive, in the most appropriate way for you to receive it, during your session is paramount. I trust it completely because I know it always has a plan. In fact, part of its plan was to bring us together for a session. I bet you thought it was all coincidence, didn't you? 😉


I find it's best to clear the calendar for that day, as much as possible and to meditate some time before your session begins. Guided meditations are perfect if you are not one to meditate regularly. (SEE BELOW)


        To be as open to receiving and accepting what your HC/HS wants you to receive, it is important to have NO EXPECTATIONS about how your session will be. I can assure you that every session is unique to the individual client so the only thing I can guarantee you is that it will be nothing like what you expect. Expect the unexpected and it will be successful!

What exactly is QHHT? View this video from the creator of the technique, Dolores Cannon, here:

Also, before you arrive, please be sure to watch this video from
with 4 Great Tips to ensure you have a successful session!

Reiki Session

Click here for information on



        You will want to be relaxed and calm for your session. AFTER YOUR SESSION you will most certainly appreciate some quite reflection time and an early night free from any social events or work. Consider that when making your plans to come. I find it's best to clear the calendar for that day, as much as possible and to meditate some time before your session begins. Guided meditations are perfect if you are not one to meditate regularly. (SEE BELOW)


        When you come for a Reiki session, bring a written or mental list of physical or mental ailments you have been experiencing. We will discuss these things before the session begins and of course, address them in the session.

Mediumship & Tarot/Oracle Sessions

Click here for information on




        You will want to be relaxed and calm for your session. I find it's best to clear the calendar for that day, as much as possible and to meditate some time before your session begins. Guided meditations are perfect if you are not one to meditate regularly. 


        When you come for a Mediumship session, I will just need your first name and for you to be as open, relaxed and trusting as possible. When you come for a Card Reading, I will need at minimum, the subject surrounding the information you are wanting guidance on. A question can also be given to me.

Guided Meditations

If you do not have a guided meditation in mind, one of these. Sit in a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, add an eye mask if you like, breathe slowly and steadily and listen.


Mobile: ‪985-262-3797

Feel free to text me with any questions or to book a session

or send me an email using the form below.

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